Circumstances often dictate the future. For example, lack of knowledge, funding, time etc. By refusing to allow circumstances to dictate your future, you provide yourself with a positive mindset which will propel you forward. “Where there is a will there is a way”… that ring any bells?

When I jumped into the distribution business a whopping 3 months ago, I had no clue what I was doing. With no solid plan, no knowledge of how to get a pallet of product from California/Texas/Pennsylvania to North Carolina, I did it anyway. Hell, I had to google what “FOB” meant when I was given pricing breakdowns.

Is this what you want to hear as a brand, buyer or wholesaler looking to me to purchase? Nope. Not at all. However, I will tell you this… Failure was, is and never will be an option. Expanding my understanding in this line of work has resulted in countless hours of work, research, and the unwavering support from the brands that have been with me from day one. I have said this before and I will likely say it in every single blog I write, the support and unity of the non-alcoholic market is like nothing I have ever witnessed before. It’s not just me either. Everyone in the space has echoed these feelings.

By teaching myself the necessary information and skills to operate, I have given myself endless opportunities. What is about to unfold over the next few weeks is going to blow a lot of people out of the water. Why is this? Well, I can tell you that I have had MULTIPLE brand owners call me to inquire about my business, system and resources. A few of them have quite literally told me outright that they “don’t know that I will be able to support them in the ways that they need.” That “they don’t see the value in tying their boat to my anchor.” ( That’s a new one for me) I’m sorry what? Why’s that? Because I am new, small, honest about still learning? This scares you? What you should be worried about is being with a distributor that has your brand in their portfolio of 100-200 brands where 96% of them are alcoholic products. What you should be worried about is the sales rep that does not care for your success. They will make up information just to sell you something. Do they know how alcohol is removed from your product? I bet they also don’t know the why behind your brand, the story of where it came from and why your product is different than the others.

Time and time again, we hear about the non-alcoholic brands not being supported by their distributors. Often, sales reps don’t even mention their brand in their meetings! What? Seriously? OMG! Yeah, for real. Can you blame them really? I don’t. Think about it! It’s not very surprising at all. The non-alcoholic beverage world is still a baby. Most brands are under 5 years old. The market as a whole is brand new, especially when you compare it to their alcoholic counterparts.

The NA world is niche. Yes, there are a lot of products, but as a brand, you NEED to have a distributor that understands the non-alcoholic world, it’s needs, and the needs of the consumer. This is where I come in. This is where I shine, and where I can blow another distributor out of the water in sales. I may be new, I may be small, but I will not fail. This is personal to me. I have an invested interest in my brands. Literally. I have invested in them.

Let’s take Brand A for example. (I have to keep things on the DL for now.) When I decided to get into distribution, I called up the importer, told him my plan, asked for support and was given it with a lot of questions and only a little bit of hesitation. Three months later, I can confidently tell you that the importer is incredibly thankful he took a chance with me. If things line up and pan out the way we have them set, it is likely I will be his #1 distributor in all of the US within 45/60 days. This partnership is a clear demonstration of the power of collaboration. The deal may not go through, but it is still an example of what happens when I am challenged, and when my ability to succeed is questioned. This is also only one of many similar situations I am currently in.

I am a little fish in an ocean of sharks that will likely try and buy/take/steal my portfolio from me in the next 3 to 5 years. Have I bitten off more than I can comfortably chew? Probably. But I see this similar to a weightlifting. Push yourself just past that zone of comfort and only then will you start to see muscle growth, progress and added strength. (I’m sure there are over 5 Mel Robbins quotes out there about this.)

Have I overestimated myself? Nope. The success I am seeing speaks for itself. You can’t see everything from where you are sitting. Things consistently happen under the surface. Do I blame those who question my ability to bring them success? Nope. But why not take a chance on someone who is taking a chance on you too?

Like I have said before, this is personal. Failure is not an option. My community is now watching me and counting on me. My brands are doing the same.

“Leadership requires belief in the mission and unyielding perseverance to achieve victory”- Jocko

“Never underestimate the man who overestimates himself”- Franklin D. Roosevelt

BIG things are happening. Buckle up and watch this little fish take a massive bite out of the sharks.


Is this really worth my time?

